Airservices' Firefighters Proudly Serve Community in Charity Appeal

Airservices Australia's hard-working and big-hearted Melbourne Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting Service (ARFFS) team has this Easter proudly raised $29,773 for the Good Friday Appeal.

The charity drive is in aid of The Royal Children's Hospital (RCH) in Melbourne. And this year marks Melbourne ARFFS' 30th anniversary of supporting the appeal.

Airservices Australia has also proudly dollar-matched ARFFS' heroic fundraising efforts, bringing the total to $59,546. Go team!

Rob Purcell, ARFFS Chief Fire Officer, said it was a privilege to represent the team at the Seven Network's live broadcast of the annual Good Friday Appeal.

"The team is ecstatic with that amazing result – everyone involved should be super proud," Rob said.

The Good Friday Appeal raises funds to enable the RCH to provide world-class care to our children.

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