Have your say!

Murray Regional Tourism are seeking feedback on Stages 2 & 3 of the draft alignment for the Murray River Adventure Trail from the people who know the Murray best - our community.
Whether you're into walking, cycling, canoeing or kayaking… this multi-sport adventure trail aims to connect along the length of the Murray, offering visitors a range of unique experiences to enjoy nature and take in the offerings within our regions.
Murray Regional Tourism have been working closely with stakeholders to understand what opportunities exist to link up existing experiences along the Murray, and identify potential constraints or areas for further exploration. This information has been used to help develop a draft alignment of the Murray River Adventure Trail (Stages 2 & 3).

Parks Victoria are already delivering Stage 1 (around Echuca/Moama). Now, Murray Regional Tourism are undertaking Stages 2 & 3 - to Wentworth in the west, and Albury/Wodonga in the east.
To help gather feedback from the community, Council are helping to spread the word in our region and invite you to provide your feedback.
To explore Murray Regional Tourism's interactive map and provide your feedback, or for more information about the project, follow the link below!
The website will be open for community feedback from Monday 15 July until Friday 2 August.
To find out more about the project, and how you can explore the proposed trail alignment and provide feedback, Murray Regional Tourism will be hosting a community information session on Wednesday 24 July at 6pm.
To register, send an email to [email protected] to request a registration link.