Tasmanian Labor Calls Out Lack of Transparency in Child Commissioner's Reappointment, Nov 1, 2023

Tas Labor

The Rockliff Government must stop thumbing its nose at recommendations made by the Commission of Inquiry.

Yesterday, the Premier announced that the Commissioner for Children and Young People had been appointed for another five years without undergoing a proper recruitment process.

It is inexcusable that the Premier went ahead and made this appointment when recommendation 18.7 of the Commission of Inquiry report clearly stated a proper, external recruitment process should have occurred.

This isn't about individuals, it's about the process. Process and transparency matter and it is extremely concerning that the government hasn't wholeheartedly adopted the commissioners' clear recommendations regarding appointments.

Today in Parliament, the Premier said the recommendation to establish a new Commission for Children and Young People, incorporating the role of the Commissioner, would be implemented by 1 July, 2024.

In light of this, he could have appointed the Commissioner for Children and Young People to a short-term, merit-based contract until then.

Instead, the Premier has mishandled this whole process and Tasmanians are sick of the arrogance and lack of transparency from this government.

This reappointment doesn't pass the pub test and this is yet another example of this government being the most secretive and lacking in transparency government in Tasmania's history.

Sarah Lovell MLC

Shadow Minister for Children and Youth

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