USAID, Korea Unite to Boost Ukrainian Agriculture


Today, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Republic of Korea announced their partnership to support Ukraine's agricultural sector through the Agriculture Resilience Initiative-Ukraine (AGRI-Ukraine). Under AGRI-Ukraine, the United States and the Republic of Korea partnered to deliver $5 million in fertilizer donated by the Republic of Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to support Ukrainian farmers and complement agricultural supplies already contributed by USAID.

This generous contribution underscores the Republic of Korea's support for the Ukrainian people and our continuing commitment to helping Ukraine withstand Putin's aggression. USAID is proud to partner with the Republic of Korea through AGRI-Ukraine, and looks forward to our continued collaboration.

In July, Administrator Samantha Power traveled to Odesa and announced an additional $250 million in USAID support for AGRI-Ukraine

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