2024 Boroondara Eisteddfod Calls Tune

With its Welsh roots going back as far as the year 1176, the 'Eisteddfod' festival is a competitive gathering of musical and spoken-word talent in communities around the world.

The Boroondara Eisteddfod has been held in our own community for over 30 years drawing music virtuosos from far and wide to compete in a variety of performance categories.

Competition heats are held for each of these categories, with winners from each then performing in the highly anticipated 'Festival of Finals' weekend taking place in August.

One extra-special event - held in September - is the Piano Concerto Final, inviting competition finalists the chance to perform a classical piece for piano, accompanied by the outstanding Camerata Orchestra.

The chance to play with a full orchestra is something that sets the Boroondara Eisteddfod apart from other competitions. This year, we're honoured to welcome back Doug Heywood OAM to conduct September's Piano Concerto Final too.

Some words from an Eisteddfod Winner - Rachel ShinDang

Rachel was the outright winner of the Boroondara Eisteddfod's 2023 Piano Concerto Final -placing first out of a fantastic field of competitors.

Reflecting on her experience, Rachel offered the following advice to any performers taking part in the 2024 Boroondara Eisteddfod:

"Rather than actively competing when you're on stage - just focus on your own music and try to let everything flow together. Try to make music and not win."

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