What could you do with a cash grant from Aurizon's Community Giving Fund?

Aurizon, Australia's largest rail freight operator, has just announced the commencement of the second round of its 2024 Community Giving Fund.
Funding from this program provides financial assistance to local eligible charities working in the areas of Health and Wellbeing, Community Safety, Environment and Education.
Andrew Harding, the Aurizon Managing Director & CEO, encourages all eligible community groups to apply: "With cash grants of up to $20,000 available this is a fantastic opportunity to make a difference to your local community.
"With over 85% of our employees living in regional areas, these grants are a way for us to give back to the local communities across our areas of operation.
"A great example of what this funding can do is the grant we provided to an organisation called SecondBite and their More Meals for Esperance project in Western Australia.
"Aurizon funding is being used to establish the SecondBite program through a local service provider and to purchase food items for delivery to the local community, improving access to free nutritious food for those in need," said Andrew.
Recently, Aurizon Regional Operations Manager for Bulk West, Sam Treleaven met with SecondBite Western Australia State Manager Lyndon Nilsson, and the CEO of Esperance Care Services Chris Meyer at SecondBite's warehouse facility in Kewdale.
Lyndon thanked Aurizon for their generous support: "SecondBite and Esperance Care Services are incredibly grateful for the support provided by the Aurizon Community Giving Fund. These funds will enable SecondBite to provide Esperance Care Services (ECS) with long-life products for their Emergency Relief service, for the people of Esperance.
"ECS essentially acts as a community 'hub', meaning that the food we provide will be further distributed to other smaller charities in the Goldfields-Esperance region, helping to support more people in the area who need food support during these tough times," he said.
Mr Harding said Aurizon is proud to support community initiatives such as SecondBite which directly benefit the areas where our team members live and work.