Aurizon's Community Giving Fund opens today

Aurizon, Australia's largest rail freight operator, today announced the opening of the second round of its Community Giving Fund for 2023.
Andrew Harding, Managing Director & CEO said cash grants of up to $20,000 are available to eligible charities that fit within the areas of Health and Wellbeing, Community Safety, the Environment or Education.
"With over 80% of our staff living in regional areas, it is important for us to be able to give back to the communities in which we live and work" he said.
"Since 2011, our funding has supported over 570 charities to deliver worthwhile local and regional projects in their local communities.
"It is really pleasing to see this support right across our national footprint from north to south and east to west," he added.
"A great example of what this funding can do is the grant we provided from our most recent round of funding to Quirindi Pre-School Kindergarten Inc. in New South Wales. They used the funds to replace a deck area and construct a secure fence, providing a safe and secure environment for the children.
"Members from our Quirindi depot along with our General Manager of Operations Coal for New South Wales and Queensland, Dan Kadziela recently visited the kindy. The team had the opportunity to see first-hand the completed work and the positive impact it has made. Everyone at the kindy was very grateful for the grant and our team were given a thank you booklet from the children, that now sits proudly at our depot in Quirindi.
"We are proud to be supporting local projects like this, where our people live and work and look forward to supporting many more," said Mr Harding.