Canley Parade 2024: Community Workshops Return Announced

The University of Warwick, in collaboration with Warwick Arts Centre and the Canley community, is thrilled to announce the return of the annual Canley Parade and Big Lunch.

The Playing Out in Canley programme, which includes the Parade and the Big Lunch, has been held annually since 2021. It was recently shortlisted for a National Museum and Heritage Award and will return on Saturday 22nd June.

This year's theme, "Nurture Nature," celebrates the local environment and the importance of community togetherness with a vibrant and colourful procession for all ages through the streets of Canley.

In the lead up to the big day the local community is being encouraged to join in with weekly workshops to create costumes and props that will be used in the parade and take up free drum sessions as part of the Canley Samba Band.

Gemma Wright, Head of Creative at Warwick Arts Centre said: "We are thrilled to be working alongside our friends in Canley on the fourth Canley Parade, which this year coincides with the Big Lunch. It is always a joyous day full of colour, music, food and creativity that brings everyone from the community together.

"We can't wait to see the amazing creations and responses to this year's theme of Nurture Nature and be joined by residents and groups from across the area.

"This year the community are leading on the arrangements with the support of the team from Warwick Arts Centre to embed this wonderful celebratory day into the annual Canley calendar. As the Canley saying goes, We Can In Canley!"

The festivities will kick off with the Parade at 11:00am with The Canley Samba Band leading community members, local groups, and artists showcasing their creativity with vibrant costumes, props, and performances.

The parade route begins at Canley Community Church on Charter Avenue and winds through various streets before finishing at Prior Deram Park at approximately 12:30pm.

Following the parade, attendees are invited to the Big Lunch at Prior Deram Park. This gathering will feature delicious free food served by the Canley Pop Up Cafe, a variety of community stalls, and engaging activities for all ages.

To take part in the parade, register by completing this short form by Monday, June 3rd.

Community Organiser Nor Aziz said: "The Big Lunch and Parade unite Canley's diverse community, with support from the Inclusive Communities Fund and the University of Warwick we've been able to make the event free for everyone.

"Thanks to the collaborative effort of local groups like the Canley Pop Up Café, Community Centre, churches, and stakeholders such as the local library, the leisure centre and local councillors we've been able to create an inclusive and impactful event."

See how the community celebrated last year:

Community Workshops

Free prop and costume-making workshops led by the renowned 'Parrot Lady' Dotti Sallis and Nor Aziz.

Dates: 25th May, 1st June, 8th June, and 15th June

Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Location: Canley Community Centre

Suitable for ages 5 and up (children must be supervised).

Samba Drumming

Join the Canley Samba Band, learn to drum, and perform in the parade.

Every Monday during term time, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Canley Community Centre.

Parade Route and Road Closures

The parade will begin at Canley Community Church, moves onto Glebe Close, passes Willowbrook Residential Village, and proceeds along Kele Road, Thomas Sharp Street, Mitchell Avenue, Wendiburgh Street, John Rous Avenue, Mayors Croft, and Sheriff Avenue, finally crossing Templars Field to end at Prior Deram Park.

To ensure everyone's safety there will be rolling road closures along the route for up to 15 minutes. The following roads will be affected:

Kele Road, Glebe Close, Wansfell Close, Penrose Close, Donegal Close, Thomas Sharp Street, Mitchell Avenue, Wendiburgh Street, Langwood Close, John Rous Avenue, Mayors Croft, Henry Boteler Road, Templar Fields, Freeburn Causeway, Prior Deram Walk, Queen Margarets Road, Hemsby Close, Walsall Street.

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