Science news | Page 829

Live science news updates on scientific research, studies, insights, space, astronomy, global warming, extrasolar planets, stem cells, autism, nanotechnology, dinosaurs, evolution, cancer, biology, DNA, black holes, NASA, gravity, long life and well-being studies, breakthroughs and discoveries from around the world in real time.
ACS Engineering Authors Publish New Papers
Scientists Create Quantum States using Nuclear Spins in Lanthanide Crystals
Mays Cancer Center Conducts Only US Clinical Trial of Drug Combo for Glioblastoma
Colonial hi Jamestown, Plymouth and, yes, Bermuda
Researchers Combat Climate Misinformation with Tweets, Ads, and Facts
New Discovery on Immune System May Improve Spinal Injury Treatments
Kinetics of Lymphocyte Infiltration in Aging Mouse Prostate
Research: Organizations Must Support Menopausal Women's Professional Goals Beyond Medical Views
NTIDE May 2023: COVID-19 Lockdown's Impact on Visually Disabled Employment
City Planning Reduces Urban Heat Island Effect
Adults Doubt E-Cigarettes Have Lower Chemical Harm Than Cigarettes
Dome-Headed Dinosaurs May Have Worn Bristly Headgear
Adults believe e-cigarettes not safer than traditional cigarettes
New Interface Manipulates Light Waves in Free Space
Laws of Physics May Explain Why You Exist
Research finds diverse tree species increase planting success
Strategic Habitat Restoration Benefits Forests and Farmers
Oxygen Restriction Extends Lifespan of Fast-Aging Mice
Research: Reversing Brain Signals Treats Depression
Designing next generation hypersonic demonstrator
Tech discovers orphaned well methane leaks
Scientists Showcase Plastic Waste Work with Puppets
Troubling Reaction to School Violence Worsens Crisis
Patients with Disabilities Can Improve Doctor Communications by Describing Own Experiences
Healthcare worker gratitude practice boosts well-being, but has limits
New Literature Review Confirms Connection Between Care Continuity, Lower Health Care Costs and Appropriate Care Usage
Experts Call for Standardized Measures to Quantify EHR Workload Outside Patient Time
Artificial Intelligence Aids Categorization of Primary Care Patients with Respiratory Symptoms
February 2023 Türkiye Earthquakes Cause Damaging Shaking
Lack of Primary Care Obesity Counseling Calls for Weight Loss Tool
Medical Center Researchers Band Peregrine Falcon Chicks to Track Progress
Rural Diabetes Patients Face Inferior Health Outcomes compared to Urban Patients
Satiety and Satiation Focus Boosts Weight Loss: Study
Low-Carb Diets Improve Blood Pressure, Sugar and Weight Control
Primary Care Clinicians Report Benefits, Challenges in Using Telemedicine During COVID-19
Assessing young people's voice in society: New book
Young Goat Survives Rare Bone Infection with UF Hospital Treatment
HERACLES beamline to accelerate cathode research
MRI Scanning Tech to Boost Lung Disease Diagnosis
COPDGene Study Tracks Emphysema Patients for 10 Years
NSF Director Panchanathan Receives Honorary Degree, Speaks at UVM Commencement
International group of experts redefines concussions
German-Israeli Excellence Program gets underway
Treatment Aids in Ending Chronic Pain Opioid Addiction
Imperial, Agilent renew partnership for analytical science facility
CT Scan Best at Predicting Heart Disease Risk in Middle Age, Study Finds
New Treatment Aids in Quitting Opioid Painkillers for Chronic Pain
Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair Safe and Successful: Study