Science news | Page 946

Live science news updates on scientific research, studies, insights, space, astronomy, global warming, extrasolar planets, stem cells, autism, nanotechnology, dinosaurs, evolution, cancer, biology, DNA, black holes, NASA, gravity, long life and well-being studies, breakthroughs and discoveries from around the world in real time.
Lane Changes Intensify Traffic Congestion, Study Finds
U of Grad Wins Breakthrough Prize for Cancer Discovery
Bright Future Ahead for Colorful Electrochromic Devices
Robots Collaborate to Reach Consensus: How?
Global Impact Study: Floods Linked to Infectious Diseases Over 30 Years
SolarEV City Concept: Sustainable Solution for City of Lights?
UC Pathologist Develops Quick Small Biopsy Technique
Single Animal Track Set Offers Information Wealth
Peer-Led Program Bolsters Mental Health Care for Minorities
Massachusetts Residents 77% in Favor of $600 Child Tax Credit
Ultrafast, Budget-Friendly Camera Revolutionizes Imaging
Trial Finds Pre-Surgery Immunotherapy Promising for Lung Cancer
NASA Reveals Study on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena
Employee Recognition Methods Affect Performance: UWaterloo Study
Report Unveils High Patient Discrimination in Energy Limiting Conditions
UK Inequalities Fuel High Stillbirth, Neonatal Death Rates
'Garbatrage' spins e-waste into prototyping gold
Bone-Shaping Genes Uncovered, Hinting at Human Past and Future
University of Plymouth Expertise Highlighted at London Shipping Week
Scientists discover new isopod species in Florida Keys
All Work, No Play Truly Leads to Dull Life: Study
UCL Physicist Wins New Horizons Prize for Planetary Formation Study
Annenberg Study: Many Unaware of Key US Constitution Facts
Single Animal Track Set Offers Wealth of Information
Northwestern Gets $50M for Math-Based Life Sciences Study
Financial Scarcity Doesn't Trigger Poor Money Decisions
Human Brains Evolved to Function as Supercomputers
Tübingen Researcher Wins Worlds Largest Science Prize for Parkinsons
NSF, Partners Commit $45M to Semiconductor Future
$50M Institute to Use Math for Biological Process Prediction
Advancements in Efficient Energy Conversion from Low-Grade Heat
EMA Grants Orphan Drug Status to Cannabidiol for Leigh Syndrome
University of Waterloo Enables Virtual World Creation sans Coding
Genomic Sequencing Boosts Neonatal Health Screening
IIASA Report Sheds Light on Path to Sustainable Wellbeing
New AI-Based System Prevents Ground Collapse
New project to monitor satellites over Canada
Western-Led Study Targets Workplace Violence, Harassment Prevention
King's College Launches European Capitals Programme
Making hydrogen from waste plastic could pay for itself
Govt Fund Boosts University of York's 6G Research
Report Exposes Education Inequalities in Northern England
EPFL Lausanne Campus Prioritizes Teaching
HKUST, HSBC Launch Week-Long e-HKD Pilot Test
Research Links Anti-Immigrant Bias to LGBT+ Rights Support
FLAM Ignites Buzz at 2023 Helsinki IBFRA Conference
Shell Life Species Adapt, Not Compete, During Greatest Extinction
Link Between Repeated Brain Trauma and Alzheimer's Unveiled