District Court Judges Appointed 17 May

  • Hon Judith Collins KC

Attorney-General Judith Collins has announced the appointment of three new District Court Judges, to replace Judges who have recently retired.

Peter James Davey of Auckland has been appointed a District Court Judge with a jury jurisdiction to be based at Whangarei. Mr Davey initially started work as a law clerk/solicitor with Bell Gully, before becoming a Crown prosecutor in Rotorua. In 1998 he joined Lowndes Jordan in Auckland, becoming a partner at that firm before leaving to establish himself as a barrister sole in 2004.

Judge Davey will be sworn in on 18 June 2024.

Paul Laurence Murray of Palmerston North has been appointed a District Court Judge with a jury jurisdiction to be based on the North Shore. Mr Murray began his legal career in Russell McVeagh's litigation team before moving to Palmerston North in 2004 to take up a position as an associate - and later a partner and Crown Prosecutor - with Ben Vanderkolk and Associates.

Judge Murray will be sworn in on 17 June 2024.

Kirsty Elizabeth Swadling of Auckland has been appointed a District Court Judge with a family jurisdiction to be based in Waitakere. Ms Swadling's legal career began as a staff solicitor at Sellar Bone and partners. She stayed with that firm until 2004, having been made partner in 1992, before starting practice as a Barrister Sole.

Judge Swadling will be sworn in on 12 June 2024.

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