EMERGENCY ALERT - Burdekin As Of 8:27pm February 4

An EMERGENCY ALERT has been issued at 8:27pm Tuesday, 4 February by the Burdekin Local Disaster Management Group.

This is a FLOOD ADVICE message from the Burdekin Local Disaster Management Group. The Burdekin Region will be affected by moderate flooding impacting the Bruce Highway at Plantation Creek. Travel between Ayr and Home Hill may not be possible from midnight tonight.

Drive safely and if its flooded, forget it.

Stay up to date with the latest warnings from the Bureau of Meteorology via bom.gov.au/.

For flood assistance, contact the SES on 132 500. In a life-threatening emergency, dial Triple-Zero (000).

For more information listen to local radio, or visit – disaster.burdekin.qld.gov.au.

EA Alert area
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