Upgrades to the VISY Community Stadium, Shepparton Sports Stadium and Shepparton Sports City commenced this month, to increase the accessibility and inclusion of the facilities for user groups.

The works will see upgrades to the amenities and roof at the Shepparton Sports Stadium as well as the VISY Community Stadium, by way of improved amenities, roof, shot clock, scoreboard and bench, backboard upgrades, mezzanine upgrades, and kitchen and court safety improvements. The works will also provide a new modular multi-use change room facility adjoining VISY stadium for stadium and oval user groups, together with a new pedestrian crossing, shared path linkages and landscaping to enhance walkability and accessibility at Shepparton Sports City.
The works are funded through the Victorian Government's Council Support Package, with Council successful in receiving $3 million for these sports facility enhancements, along with an expansion to the Yahna Gurtji shared path.
A total of 2,385m will be added to the existing shared path network, to improve connection between Gemmill's Swamp and KidsTown. The expansion to the Yahna Gurtji shared path will provide additional links to the Goulburn River, key tourism, business and major events precincts in Shepparton and Mooroopna. The funding will also assist with the installation of interpretative signage explaining and celebrating the extensive contribution the Traditional Owners have made to the region.
"Council is thankful for the $3 million funding received through the Victorian Government's Council Support Package. This funding will help us achieve some positive upgrades to our existing sporting and shared path facilities, ones which are greatly utilised by the community," Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali said.
"The upgrades to both stadiums and Sport City will help increase our capacity across elite sporting events and community competitions, to continue to positon us as the sporting capital of regional Victoria. The upgrades will also enable basketball and badminton competitions to be held at the VISY Community Stadium, and improve walkability and accessibility to our major event spaces within the Sports City Precinct.
"We are continuing to work towards major upgrades at Shepparton Sports Stadium, however these smaller enhancements will help improve the current facilities for user groups."
The works will be staged to ensure only minor disruptions to the community. Works commenced at the Shepparton Sports Stadium this month, with the majority of the works being undertaken between January and May. Works at the VISY Community Stadium will occur between December and April, while works at Shepparton Sports City will commence in January, with expected completion in April.