In December 2020, Narrandera Shire Council was successful in obtaining a grant for $819,975, under the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program - Phase 2, funded by the Australian Government.
Narrandera Shire Council are pleased to announce that all projects are now complete.
Mayor Cr. Neville Kschenka would like to thank the Australian Government for their support. "The completion of these projects means our residents can now enjoy the benefits, enhancing liveability, and positioning our town for a bright future".
The projects delivered include:
Barellan Pump Track
Creation of a bike pump track for the youth of Barellan.
Grong Grong Village
The storage facility, toilet, and associated equipment for Grong Grong residents to maintain trees and public areas.
Wiradjuri Memorial Wall Stage 1
Construct and install Wiradjuri Aboriginal memorial wall, including stonework, paving, fire pit and signage.
Narrandera Sportsground
Disabled spectator access areas.
Narrandera Sportsground
Installation of a digital scoreboard, with video capability.
Barellan Cemetery
Installation of an accessible unisex toilet at the cemetery, including onsite sewerage management system.
Narrandera Flora and Fauna reserve
Upgrade of the carpark and entrance to the reserve.