Police Minister Accused of Misleading Over Pay Talks

Liberal Party Victoria

Minister for Police Anthony Carbines yesterday misled the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee (PAEC) when answering questions about Victoria Police pay negotiations.

Victoria Police Chief Commissioner and the Allan Labor Government remain at odds over the matters in dispute and the true impact on community safety when it comes to nine-hour shifts and nine-day fortnights.

When asked about a deed between the state government, Victoria Police, and the Police Association, the Minister denied being a signatory and then went on to suggest there's no role for the government in getting the dispute resolved.

The Allan Labor Government was then forced to admit some hours later that the Minister had signed the deed, but claimed to be 'confused' by the line of questioning by the committee.

Shadow Minister for Police, Brad Battin, said: "Anthony Carbines has misled parliament in an attempt to blame Chief Commissioner Shane Patton for the delays in the pay negotiations. The Minister's disrespect for police and his policing portfolio is impacting service delivery and making Victorians less safe.

"The pay negotiations between the police and government are at crisis point and it is time the Minister puts all his efforts into resolving the dispute and letting the police get on with keeping the state safe.

"Labor can't manage money, and Victorians are paying the price through fewer police resources and ongoing industrial disputes."

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