Week Of Thanks


Rockhampton Regional Council this week celebrated the amazing work of their volunteers during a special thank you morning tea for National Volunteers Week 2024.

Deputy Mayor and Communities and Heritage Councillor Drew Wickerson said this annual event is a wonderful opportunity to recognise the dedicated volunteers who tirelessly give their time, skills, and passion to enrich our community.

"This year's National Volunteers Week theme, 'Something for Everyone', perfectly captures the range of opportunities available through volunteering and highlights the unique talents and passions that each volunteer brings to their role," Cr Wickerson said.

"At Council we are incredibly fortunate to have over 300 volunteers dedicating their time across more than 12 Council venues and services.

"Our volunteers are the heart of our community, and their commitment is truly inspiring. We are proud to spotlight their incredible work during National Volunteer Week."

National Volunteer Week also serves as a great platform to highlight the variety of volunteer opportunities available within Council and across the region.

"Whether it's helping to maintain our beautiful gardens, assisting with cultural events and the Rockhampton Agricultural Show, or supporting the operations of our local art gallery, waste facilities and theatre, there truly is something for everyone," Cr Wickerson said.

"Our volunteers are a diverse group of extraordinary individuals whose efforts touch every corner of our community.

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