Weight is over for Queensland gyms and fitness clubs

Queensland gyms can open their doors to even more Queenslanders after the Chief Health Officer's approval of a Fitness Industry COVID Safe Plan.

Deputy Premier and Health Minister Steven Miles said under the plan more people will be able to be in gyms while adhering to strict social distancing and hygiene guidelines.

"Physical activity plays such an important role in the lives of Queenslanders. This approved plan will ensure we can all get back to the gym in a safe way," Mr Miles said.

"The plan helps gyms, fitness centres and health clubs demonstrate that they operate safely and can service more customers than outlined in the current roadmap."

Minister for Sport Mick de Brenni said fitness businesses wanting to exceed current limits of 20 people on site will be required to comply with the approved industry plan, while still maintaining required social distancing.

"The approval of the industry plan is a great result for the fitness sector who really just want to get back to the business of providing facilities and training for Queenslanders looking to keep fit," Mr de Brenni said.

"Even the biggest branded gyms are typically owned by small and family business operators who collectively employ more than 8,000 Queenslanders, so getting them up and running and their staff back to work again is an important step in our economic recovery."

Fitness Australia CEO Barrie Elvish said Fitness Australia had received sign off on their COVID Safe Plan for the Queensland Fitness Sector yesterday.

"Preparing the industry plan allowed us to consider aspects needed to continue to keep ourselves and our communities safe when we return to gyms," Mr Elvish said.

"We know that we're not out of the woods yet when it comes to COVID-19, so we'll continue to work with the Chief Health Officer to make sure our plan is feasible and safe as we move forward.

"Fitness Australia will be supporting fitness operators with the steps they need to take to keep Queenslanders fit and healthy."

Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young approved the Fitness Industry COVID Safe plan.

"To have a COVID Safe Industry Plan approved for the Queensland fitness sector is such an incredible achievement," Dr Young said.

"This is a major boost for the fitness sector and one that will help Queenslanders maintain a healthier lifestyle."

Minister de Brenni said the Industry COIVD Safe Plan for field sports had also received sign off.

"Whilst gyms have been the first cab off the rank with their COVIDSafe industry plan, Field sports have also received sign off to get back into action with arrangements that allow more people to get out onto the field safely," he said.

"The remaining sport and recreation sectors can have confidence around the viability of their return to play arrangements which are currently under review.

"I want to commend the sport, recreation and fitness industry leadership, represented through the Palaszczuk Governments' Return to Play Advisory Group for their collaboration with the Chief Health Office that will see the sign off on more COVIDSafe industry plans in coming days."

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