www.ilo.org/projects-and-partnerships/projects/sustaining-competitive-and-responsible-enterprises-score-programme">ILO SCORE Programme in April 2024, the International Exchange and Cooperation Centre of the Ministry of Emergency Management of China (MEM) is rolling out its first local SCORE pilot in Yongkang, Zhejiang province.
Yongkang, a pilot city for high-quality and common prosperity in Zhejiang province, hosts approximately 61,000 enterprises, including 30,000 micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs), most of which are export-oriented.
Chang-Hee Lee, Director of ILO Country Office for China and Mongolia, attended the launching ceremony of the SCORE pilot in Yongkang on the 10th July 2024. He warmly welcomed the introduction of SCORE in Yongkang. Addressing the participants, he highlighted that:
SCORE, with its practical, step-by-step systematic training and in-factory coaching approach, would be a valuable tool for improving occupational safety and health (OSH), decent work, and productivity for MSMEs in Yongkang.
Chang-Hee Lee, Director of ILO Country Office for China and Mongolia
He expressed his good wishes for the SCORE programme in Yongkang, emphasizing its potential contribution towards achieving decent work and common prosperity through the promotion of workplace cooperation.
The Emergency Management Bureau of Yongkang plans to adopt a series of supportive policies to establish a "Yongkang Model", aiming to help MSMEs enhance their work safety management capacity by receiving SCORE training and counselling. As the next step, the Bureau will explore combining SCORE methodology with local work safety management mechanism, focusing on addressing the challenges MSMEs face in work safety management.
Officials from MEM and its local branches in Hangzhou, Jinhua, and Yongkang, along with representatives from relevant government departments and stakeholders in Yongkang and its districts, as well as representatives from pilot enterprises and SCORE trainers, attended the launching ceremony.