Youth Jobs PaTH internship a perfect match for Catherine and Adelaide small business

Catherine and Susan might never have met, if not for an Australian Government Employer Liaison Officer suggesting a Youth Jobs PaTH internship. It turned out to be a perfect match for the job hunter and local Adelaide business director.

Catherine had been looking for work since her previous role had finished. Meanwhile, Director of Red Wagon Workplace Solutions, Susan Sadler, was wondering where to find a good employee to fill a marketing/administration assistant role. This is where South Australia's Employer Liaison Officer, Sharon Clarke, came to the party.

Sharon explained the benefits of a Youth Jobs PaTH internship to Susan, to trial a candidate for the job, who would receive on-the-job training.

Susan was put in touch with jobactive provider MatchWorks and after explaining the type of person who would be the best fit for the internship opportunity, she was presented with a short list of potential interns.

Catherine was chosen to do a six-week internship where she received valuable experience in customer service, social media management and customer relationship management.

Susan was thrilled with the support she received from MatchWorks and the department's Employer Liaison Officer to not just find someone for the job, but to find the perfect candidate. In fact, Susan was so impressed with Catherine's work that she offered her the role.

"Catherine has proven to be an energetic, bright and forward-thinking professional who has already improved customer engagement in the short time she's been with the business," Susan said.

Susan is also the South Australian President of Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) and said she wouldn't hesitate to recommend PaTH to other businesses and AHRI members. Susan describes the PaTH internship program as an amazing opportunity for any size business to trial a young person to see if they're the right fit.

"I would highly recommend the program to other businesses, especially in these difficult times. It's been a fantastic success."

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