A to Z of Cancer: All You Need to Know & How It Works

Cancer - a word that evokes fear and uncertainty in the hearts of many. This complex and insidious disease has been a part of human history for thousands of years, plaguing civilizations from ancient Egypt to the modern era.

Despite significant advancements in our understanding of cancer and its underlying mechanisms, it remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. In this article, we'll explore the history of cancer, how the disease operates, and why it has proven so difficult to cure or reverse.

The origins of cancer can be traced back to ancient times. As early as 3000 BCE, Egyptian physicians documented cases of cancer in papyrus records. Greek physician Hippocrates, often regarded as the father of modern medicine, coined the term "carcinoma" in the 5th century BCE, deriving it from the Greek words "karkinos" (crab) and "oma" (tumor) to describe the appearance of tumors.

The swollen mass of a tumor, along with the blood vessels that spread out from it, resembled the shape of a crab and its legs.

This crab-like appearance of tumors became a powerful metaphor for the way cancer seemed to latch onto the body and infiltrate surrounding tissues, much like how a crab uses its claws to grasp and hold onto objects. This imagery has persisted throughout history, and even today, the term "cancer" is used to describe malignant tumors and the constellation Cancer is represented by the symbol of a crab.

Fast forward to the 19th and 20th centuries, when scientists began to unravel the mysteries of cancer's inner workings.

Researchers discovered that cancer arises from the uncontrolled growth and division of cells. Normally, our cells follow a well-regulated process of growth, division, and death. However, when genetic mutations occur, this delicate balance can be disrupted, leading to the formation of cancerous cells. These rogue cells divide uncontrollably, forming tumors that can invade nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body.

Note under normal circumstances, a process called apoptosis, or programmed cell death, regulates the lifecycle of cells. Apoptosis is a crucial process in the healthy development, growth, and maintenance of an organism. It helps eliminate damaged, unnecessary, or potentially harmful cells, making way for new, healthy cells to replace them.

Several factors can trigger apoptosis in a cell, including:

  • Internal signals: If a cell detects damage to its DNA or other cellular components, it may initiate apoptosis to prevent the proliferation of damaged or malfunctioning cells. This response helps maintain the overall health of the organism.
  • External signals: Cells can receive signals from neighboring cells or the immune system that instruct them to undergo apoptosis. For example, if the immune system recognizes a cell as infected or cancerous, it may release cytokines that signal the cell to initiate self-destruction.
  • Hormonal changes: Certain hormones can induce apoptosis in specific cell types. For instance, during the development of the nervous system, some neurons die off through apoptosis, which is triggered by the absence of certain growth factors.

When apoptosis functions properly, it helps maintain a balance between cell growth and cell death, contributing to the overall health of the organism.

Cancer cells essentially "rebel" against the normal processes that are supposed to kill them by acquiring the ability to "outsmart" the body's natural mechanisms. They even develop resistance to external signals that would normally trigger apoptosis (cell death), such as signals from the immune system or neighboring cells. They go as far as producing their own growth factors, ensuring their continued survival, and in some cases, even stimulate the formation of new blood vessels to better supply the growing tumor with nutrients and oxygen.

This ability allows cancer cells to continue multiplying uncontrollably, leading to the formation of tumors and the potential for metastasis, or the spread of cancer to other parts of the body.

Cancer cells essentially become "selfish" and prioritize their own survival and growth over the well-being of the organism as a whole. It also means they actually achieve a sort of immortality, which unfortunately comes at the expense of our organism's health.

Cancer cells do not have a specific intent to kill the host organism, but their uncontrolled growth can lead to harmful consequences for the host. Here are some reasons why cancer can be harmful or even lethal to the host organism:

  • Resource competition: Cancer cells consume resources such as nutrients and oxygen that are required for the normal functioning of healthy cells. This can lead to malnutrition and a weakened immune system in the host.
  • Organ damage: As tumors grow, they can invade and damage nearby organs or tissues. This can impair the function of vital organs, leading to organ failure or other serious health issues.
  • Metastasis: When cancer cells break away from the primary tumor and spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream or lymphatic system, they can form secondary tumors (metastases) in other organs. This can disrupt the normal functioning of multiple organs and systems, making the disease even more difficult to treat and increasing the risk of death.
  • Immune system suppression: Some cancer cells can release substances that suppress the host's immune system, making it more difficult for the body to fight off infections or other diseases.

We again draw a parallel between cancer cells and rebels or freedom fighters in the sense that both are driven by factors that lead to actions that can cause harm to the larger entity they are a part of, without necessarily having the specific intent to do so.

Despite our growing understanding of cancer biology, the disease remains notoriously difficult to treat. One of the main challenges lies in the fact that cancer cells are remarkably similar to healthy cells. This makes it difficult for the immune system to recognize and eliminate cancer cells without causing collateral damage to healthy tissues. Additionally, cancer cells can adapt and evolve, developing resistance to treatments that may have initially been effective.

Another challenge in cancer treatment is the heterogeneity of the disease. Cancer is not a single entity, but rather a collection of over 100 different diseases, each with its own unique set of characteristics and behaviors. This means that a treatment that works well for one type of cancer may not be effective against another.

Moreover, cancer cells often employ a variety of smart mechanisms to evade the immune system and resist treatment. For example, some of these mechanisms include developing mutations that allow them to pump chemotherapy drugs out of the cell, altering their molecular structure to become less susceptible to targeted therapies, or even creating an immunosuppressive microenvironment to shield themselves from immune system attacks. These factors make cancer cells agile, highly resilient and difficult to destroy, which in turn poses significant challenges for researchers and clinicians working to develop more effective cancer treatments.

You have likely heard of chemotherapy, the use of powerful chemical agents as a nuclear bomb to mass destroy cells, which has been one of the mainstays of cancer treatment for decades. The idea behind this approach is to target and kill the rapidly dividing cancer cells more effectively than the slower-dividing healthy cells.

Chemotherapy is indeed like a nuclear bomb in that it is not specifically targeted to cancer cells and "the explosion" can also damage healthy cells in the process, particularly those that also divide rapidly, such as cells in the bone marrow, digestive tract, and hair follicles. This collateral damage to healthy cells is responsible for many of the undesirable side effects of the chemotherapy, including hair loss.

In recent years, researchers have made significant strides in developing new and innovative treatments for cancer.

Immunotherapy, which harnesses the power of the immune system to target and destroy cancer cells, has shown promise in treating certain types of cancer. Additionally, advances in precision medicine have enabled scientists to develop targeted therapies that can more accurately and effectively attack cancer cells while minimizing damage to healthy tissue.

However, there is still much work to be done. As we continue to unravel the complexities of cancer biology, it is essential that we invest in research and development to improve our understanding of the disease and develop more effective treatments. In the meantime, it is crucial that we promote cancer prevention through public education and advocacy, encouraging individuals to adopt healthy lifestyles and engage in regular cancer screenings.

The battle against cancer is a long and arduous journey, but with each new discovery and breakthrough, we come one step closer to a future where this devastating disease is no longer an insurmountable foe.