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Live news updates and headlines from Australia and the world as developments unfolding. Stay up to date with all of the 24/7 live coverage from first-hand sources. Australia's premier source of non-aligned, independent, real-time, OSINT news.
Well-functioning fat may be key to fewer old-age ailments
€ 500 million pledge under WHO - EIB partnership, with support of EU, for health systems in Africa
Learning in lab can continue at distance
Researchers discover how our circadian rhythm can be both strong and flexible
New imaging scan reveals culprit in cognitive decline of Alzheimer's
Welcoming speech of president of Republic of Indonesia at opening of 1ST fmcbg Indonesia G20 presidency 2022
Pandemic pregnancy: Increased anxiety, distress, but also few surprise benefits
Switching to more plant-based diet affects nutrient intake
Secretary Blinken to Deliver Remarks at UN Security Council
Study says Canada can become Napa Valley of cannabis tourism
What constitutes 'seriousness' in fitness to practise cases
Governments of Canada and Manitoba invest $680,900 in two projects to protect animal health and ensure international competitiveness
UN human rights expert Adama Dieng to visit Sudan on 20 February
Secretary Blinken's Meeting with Estonian Foreign Minister Liimets
NATO Defence Ministers reaffirm their strong commitment to open door policy, and importance of partnerships
Study: Grouping things into categories can bias perceptions
National sports injury data strategy consultation begins, as new data reveals potential health savings from improving injury
Nirsevimab EMA regulatory submission accepted under accelerated assessment for RSV protection in all infants
Alterations of protein assembly chain discovered in cancer for first time
Chemists discover range of environmental contaminants in fracking wastewater
How picking up your smartphone could reveal your identity
Place des Festivals in Montreal becomes festive heart of MONTRÉAL EN LUMIÈRE
Home Secretary orders wide-ranging review of Border Force
Researchers awarded £1.4m to study how organs form
S-STEM Program to Provide Scholarships for Biology, Neuroscience Majors
Commonwealth Institute for Black Studies to Present Symposium on History of Race and Sports
Study spearheads chemical fingerprint of Viking weapons
UConn Health Cardiologist: 'Everyone' Needs to Know Their Cholesterol
Youth Mobilize Creative Forces To Make Better World
Less antibiotic use in dentistry gave no increase in endocarditis
Multilateralism Key to Achieving Climate Goals
UN Committee sets up ad hoc Conciliation Commission: State of Palestine against Israel
First of its kind research provides critical information for treating Alzheimer's
New imaging scan finds culprit in cognitive decline of Alzheimer's
Ocean Summit reaffirms importance of observations
Global Road Safety Film Festival to showcase solutions for smart and safe mobility
Southampton-led study shows need for painkiller caution to prevent kidney damage
Police release new image in search for Sherrlynn Mitchell
Tall trees in Amazon can suffer from warmer temperatures
MDP appoints new Assistant Chief Constable, Nuclear and Marine
Building Better Cameroon: Tackling Illiteracy through Technology
Core strength could help dogs avoid knee injuries
Researchers design drug screening platform compatible with patient biopsies to fight metastasis
Deadly wildfires, noise pollution, and disruptive timing of life cycles
Travel Momentum Builds as Restrictions are Lifted
Police search for missing girl Mikayla
What does it take to live well with dementia?
Whole genome sequencing detects most common inherited neurological diseases