The NSW Reconstruction Authority (RA) is working closely with local councils, residents, businesses, and community leaders on designing the Central West Housing Program, engaging with communities through information sessions, workshops, and online communication tools.
RA is seeking your input on the Central West Housing Program following the 2022 floods.
RA are using technical data and flood modelling to inform the program and asking the community to share their experiences and insights from the 2022 floods to help build a shared understanding of risk in the region. RA would like to hear your thoughts on the type of housing program that could be offered to eligible households, including raisings and retrofits to floodproofing existing dwellings as well as buybacks and relocations.
A survey has been mailed out to all residents that reside in Eugowra, Molong, Manildra, Cudal and Canowindra. You can also complete the survey online via the link below.
This consultation will be open until 11:59pm Tuesday 30 April 2024.
To have your say visit

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