CFA showcases its hose layer truck at AFAC19

Australia's only hose layer truck, belonging to Scoresby CFA, will be on display at Australasia's largest and most comprehensive emergency management conference and exhibition starting today.

CFA showcases its hose layer truck at AFAC19

Scoresby Hose Layer truck

The Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC) conference is being staged in Victoria for the first time in six years and CFA is proud to be one of the host agencies.

As part of the exhibition at AFAC19, Scoresby Fire Brigade will be showcasing its hose layer truck, which is the only one of its kind in Australia.

CFA Chief Executive Officer and Chief Officer Steve Warrington said CFA was excited to be given the opportunity to have this unique truck on display.

"The hose layer truck is an invaluable piece of machinery which allows crews to provide a greater amount of water supply to fires through larger and longer hoses, ultimately decreasing the amount of trucks required at some incidents," he said.

"The Scoresby crew drives across Victoria to train and demonstrate its capabilities to other brigades, as well as to fire incidents around the state.

"The large diameter hose plays an important role in extinguishing hard-to-reach fires, and can move up to 7200L of water per minute.

"It can also lay up to 2.3km of 100 millimetre diameter hose, giving it the ability to connect to more than one remote water source at the scene of a fire.