Expanding Mornington Basketball Stadium to meet growing demand

Liberal Party Victoria

To accommodate the growing demand of the Mornington District Basketball Association (MDBA), a Matt Guy Liberals and Nationals Government will commit $7 million towards the expansion of the Mornington District Basketball Stadium at Mornington Secondary College.

The current facility services both the school and local community, but has hit capacity, meaning the MDBA are unable to expand its player base.

If elected in November, the Liberals and Nationals will work with the Association to deliver an expansion to the current site, which will include two additional basketball courts, two new change rooms, new referee facilities and additional storage spaces.

Once completed, the upgrade will allow for the expansion of Mornington Secondary College's sports programs across basketball, badminton, netball and volleyball, will increase capacity for Mornington's performing arts scene and will mean the venue can host community events such as Ausome Hoops, Walking Basketball and All Abilities Basketball.

Shadow Minister for Sport, Cindy McLeish, said the expansion would cater for the growing demand for basketball facilities in Mornington.

"More and more people are joining basketball teams in droves, and the region needs the appropriate facilities to support them."

"This will also address the sporting needs of the school, which will be able to take advantage of the stadium for physical health and wellbeing lessons during school hours."

Liberal Candidate for Mornington, Chris Crewther, said that the upgrade would benefit the thousands of players along the Peninsula, as well as the school and local performing arts sector.

"The MDBA has nearly 2500 participants from across Mornington and 3000 from the broader region. They've been looking to expand their membership, including forming all-abilities teams, but just doesn't have the space to accommodate them."

"Only a Liberals and Nationals Government will deliver this much-needed local, grassroots basketball infrastructure."

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