PrairiesCan funding enables FortWhyte Alive to provide enhanced outdoor experiences to attract tourists and support Indigenous economic reconciliation
Winnipeg's FortWhyte Alive provides an urban green space, bringing people together to promote awareness and understanding of the natural world and sustainable living.
Ben Carr, Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South Centre, on behalf the Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister for PrairiesCan, announced a federal investment of $158,900 through PrairiesCan's Tourism Relief Fund. The funding supports enhancements to the outdoor visitor infrastructure and new Indigenous-led programming and experiences at FortWhyte.
The funding is being used to repair the "Loly Lookout" outdoor shelter; build an outdoor shelter adjacent to the main Interpretive Centre; reconstruct a treehouse overlooking the Bison paddock; hire an Indigenous Knowledge Keeper to guide activities and programming; creating a Healing Forest; and commission an Indigenous artist to create and license a Star Blanket design for the Buffalo Crossing Visitor Centre.