A diverse range of community led initiatives in the Wollondilly Shire will be receiving a boost through Council's 2022 Community Grants program.

The funding was approved at Tuesday night's Council meeting and represents the largest commitment through the program for the last five years, with nearly $50,000 shared between a total of 42 successful applicants.
The grants program provides funding towards projects, events and small capital purchases to support community organisations and groups operating within the Wollondilly Local Government Area, for the benefit of local residents.
Mayor Matt Gould said, "We are excited to be able to make these funds available to support the many community groups and not-for-profit organisations who are on the ground providing services and creating valuable connections for our residents."
"The support that Council provides through grants can make a huge difference to local arts, culture, sustainability, recreational activities and events."
There were five grant categories in this round of funding: community projects; art & culture events; sustainability; leisure & recreation; and small capital equipment.
The successful applicants whose projects will be supported with a contribution from the grants program include:
- Wollondilly Knights Seniors AFL Club
- Community Links Wellbeing
- River Road Interactive Learning
- Western Sydney University
- Australian Wildlife Sanctuary
- Picton & District Historical & Family History Society Bargo
- Warragamba Silverdale Neighbourhood Centre
- Picton and Wilton Anglican Churches
- Police Citizens Youth Club NSW
- Community Links Wellbeing
- Wollondilly Men's Social Health
- Local Community Ventures C3 Wollondilly
- River Road Creative
- Uniting / CORE Youth Services
- Tahmoor Uniting Community Garden
- Nepean Food Services
- Menangle Community Association
- Wollondilly Art Group (WAG)
- Yerranderie Arts Culture and Community Association
- Tahmoor Uniting Community Garden
- Buxton Community Association
- St Anthony's Netball
- 237 Australian Army Cadets
- One Stop Community Assistance
- Douglas Park Parents and Citizens Association
Funds will also be available for a range of small capital equipment to support community activities, as well as contributions to the 2022 Mayoral School Citizenship Awards and community hall rate subsidies for some user groups.