Minister Khera Issues Statement on Vesak

Canadian Heritage

On this feast day of Vesak, Buddhists in Canada and around the world celebrate the birth, enlightenment, and attainment of nirvana by Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism,.

This festival, observed on the first full moon in May, is a deeply special time when Buddhists gather in temples to pray, chant and meditate. They offer flowers, incense sticks, candles and food in tribute to the life, teachings and wisdom of Buddha.

Vesak is also an opportunity for reflection on the Buddha's universal teachings of generosity, compassion and integrity-values that resonate deeply within Canadian communities. This holiday reminds us of the importance of maintaining our commitment to open-mindedness and understanding in order to build a peaceful and inclusive society.

As Buddhists across the country gather to celebrate this special occasion, let's take time to understand and recognize the significant contributions Canadian Buddhists, past and present, have made to our country.

As Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, I extend my warmest wishes for a day filled with peace, wisdom, and joy to all those celebrating Vesak. May this sacred day inspire us all to embody the principles of compassion and understanding.

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