Minister Vandal Unveils Federal Funds for Saskatchewan Tech Sector

Prairies Economic Development Canada

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan - PrairiesCan

Saskatchewan is home to a thriving tech ecosystem, thanks to leadership from home grown leaders and incubators like Co.Labs, which PrairiesCan has supported and worked with since its launch in 2017. To date, Co.Labs has incubated 201 Saskatchewan tech start-ups, raised over $37 million in private investment, generated over $60 million in revenue, and created over 800 jobs.

Co.Labs has also established an annual event for start-ups in Saskatchewan - Uniting the Prairies, or "UP" - attracting hundreds of investors, start-ups, and community members from across Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba to showcase progress and achievements in the Prairie tech sector.

Today the Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister for PrairiesCan, announced a federal investment of $2,571,000 aimed at continuing the growth of Saskatchewan's tech ecosystem through renewed program delivery, including establishing the new X in Residence (XiR) program, and staging the UP conference over three years.

The XiR program provides expert strategic advice to high performing founders and high growth companies to help them accelerate growth.

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