Petition to re-do Brexit vote gets 800k signatures in a day

A petition to hold a second referendum on the United Kingdom membership in the European Union received over 800,000 signatures as of Saturday.

The petition was launched on the UK parliament website almost immediately after the referendum results have been announced on Friday. All petitions that receive over 100,000 signatures must be considered by the UK parliament.

The petition calls on the British government to hold another EU membership referendum, using the rule under which it is possible to put the motion to the public again if neither of the camps obtains over 60 percent of the vote and the turnout is below 75 percent.

On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether or not the country should leave the European Union. According to the final results, 51.9 percent of voters, or 17.4 million people, decided to support Brexit, while about 16.1 million opposed it. The turnout stood at 72.2 percent.