Rockhampton Urges Water Conservation Amid Plant Upgrade

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Rockhampton Regional Council is encouraging residents to reduce water consumption between now and Good Friday while the Glenmore Water Treatment Plant (GWTP) refurbishment and upgrade project reaches a critical phase.

Electrical and mechanical equipment in the two sedimentation tanks will now undergo renewal, and to facilitate this process, one tank will be temporarily shut down at a time while the other remains in operation.

This means the GWTP will be operating on reduced capacity, however with the assistance of residents reducing consumption, Fitzroy River Water will be able to maintain water quality with one tank in operation and avoid the need for more stringent water use restrictions.

During this time, residents are asked to minimise water usage wherever possible to alleviate pressure on our system. This includes reducing outdoor watering and other non-essential water use activities.

This will allow the works to be completed in time for Easter with both sedimentation tanks renewed and operating at full capacity by Thursday, 28 March.

The Glenmore Water Treatment Plant Upgrade will improve reliability and extend the life of the plant as well as catering for the Region's growth.

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