Screen Queensland Reveals Channel Lab: YouTube Accelerator Lineup

Image: Sarah Magusara, participant of Channel Lab: YouTube Accelerator initiative.

Screen Queensland has announced the 25 participants from 21 channels selected for its inaugural Channel Lab: YouTube Accelerator initiative, a new upskilling program supporting local creators in the online video space to share their screen stories.

The cohort comprises emerging and established creators from diverse backgrounds from across Queensland, including people from regional communities, people with disability, Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Participants include Sarah Magusara, who is Australia's most followed influencer on TikTok with 18.1 million followers and Lucas Proudfoot, a prominent multi-platform First Nations artist.

The creators have now begun a 16-week program of masterclasses and mentoring, in partnership with Queensland's globally recognised Changer and support from YouTube.

The program runs from May to September 2024 and offers the selected participants a unique opportunity to work with industry experts from Changer. They will gain invaluable insights into audience engagement strategies, content creation techniques and production skills designed to upskill and grow their YouTube audience while enhancing their storytelling capabilities.

Arts Minister Leeanne Enoch said the Queensland Government is committed to championing Queensland's talented online creators to share diverse local screen narratives through increasingly accessible global platforms.

"This exciting capacity building initiative is contributing to the delivery of our Government's priorities for a strong and sustainable sector, sharing our unique stories and celebrating our storytellers."

Screen Queensland's CEO Jacqui Feeney said she is delighted that 21 talented content creators will be supported through Channel Lab: YouTube Accelerator.

"Screen Queensland is dedicated to cultivating the talent and skills of our local creators, recognising their pivotal role in the evolution of storytelling on screen. We are committed to empowering a new generation of screen content creators, providing them with the essential tools and support they need to flourish in the dynamic creator economy.

"Channel Lab: YouTube Accelerator provides an unparalleled opportunity for these content creators to foster new connections, gain valuable insights and receive exposure crucial to their development as storytellers. We look forward to seeing their progress and wish them every success."

Channel Lab: YouTube Accelerator participants:

Bench Chicken – Jordan Peña

bengthebrazilianengineerinAus – Gabriel Ribeiro Gardin Costa e Silva

brookestyless – Brooke and Jake O'Neill

Elly's Everyday Wholegrain Sourdough – Elly Emmett

Evelyn Wood – Evelyn Wood

Kristina's Travels – Kristina Costalos

Lucas Proudfoot – Lucas Proudfoot

macfarlanebros – Lachlan and Austin Macfarlane

McIntyresMalts – Wade McIntyre

Me Moni – Toddler Learning Videos – Monica Ferreira

mitchellburns – Mitchell Burns

Naysy – Anais Riley

Ocean Pancake – Katt Andryskova

rainbowbop – Sara Taghaode and Amy Parry

Rookie Rockhounding – Jesse Darrah

Salty Monkeys – Dennis Fay

sarahmagusara – Sarah Magusara

Self Suffishing Me – James Valencia

That British Girl: Jordana Grace – Jordana Grace Brown

Travel For Phoebe – Phoebe Lee

We Got The Chocolates – Mitchell and Leigh Drennan

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