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MacOS Sonoma is available today
Apple debuts iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus
AI Drone Outperforms World-Champion Racers in High-Speed Test
Software Aids Speech-Disabled via Brain Implants
IOS 17 makes iPhone more personal and intuitive
Automated Features Offer Convenience and Control, Says Study
2023 Retirement Village Manager & Salesperson of Year Finalists Announced
Federated machine learning enables largest brain tumor study to-date, without sharing patient data
AI language models show bias against people with disabilities, study finds
AI language models show bias against people with disabilities
Did my computer say it best?
Machine Learning Paves Way for Smarter Particle Accelerators
New Machine Learning Method Allows Hospitals to Share Patient Data Privately
Smoking may impair body's blood pressure autocorrect system
The most commonly misspelled word in every state, according to google
Apple may start showing friends your autocorrect mistakes