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Designing Tiny Filters To Solve Big Problems
Breakthrough: Virus Discovered With Key Cell Component
Innovative Silicide Coating Boosts Niobium Alloy Durability
Biomimetic Teakwood Coating: New Environmental Shield
High Performance Amid Frosty Conditions
Palomar Observatory Unveils Enhanced Astronomical Rainbows
New Filter Recycles Aluminum From Factory Waste
Boiling Breakthrough: Energy and Space Revolution
AI Ousts Humans in Fuel Cell Fault Detection
Laser Tech Transforms Cardiovascular Stent Surgery
LLNL to Lead Next-Gen EUV Lithography Research
Chad Parish Enhances Materials for Nuclear Safety
NASA to Study Lunar Dust with New Science Payload
NSW Allocates $1.9M to Upgrade Far West Health Facilities
UW, PNNL Study Aging Effects on Teeth at Atomic Level
Cook Govt Boosts WA TAFE Colleges Funding
MIT Engineers Grow "high-rise" 3D Chips
MIT Engineers Develop High-Rise 3D Chips
Safer, Affordable Nuclear Clock Breakthrough
Santa's Sleigh Upgraded As Preflight List Checked Twice
Giant Virus Encodes Essential Protein Machinery
Santa's Sleigh Upgraded, Preflight List Checked Twice
Permanent Home For Momenta At Rippleside
Station Science Top News 17 December
Carestream Lands Key Partnership Deal in Algeria
Researchers Awarded More Than $10 Million 17 December
Can Sea Sponge Biology Transform Imaging Technology?
Juno Mission Reveals Jovian Moon's Volcanic Heart
New Biomimetic Coating Offers Superior Anti-Erosion
Winter's Chill: Why Colds Spike, Nurse Explains
Tiny Molecular Machine: Ammonium-Ferrocene Slides
KAIST Boosts Lithium Battery Life 750% with Water
Superman Bacteria Propel Green Chemical Output
Rice Scientists Unveil Coating for Better Thermal Imaging
Delivering Medicines With Microscopic Flowers
New Vortex Electric Field Hints at Device Potential
UK-Switzerland Strengthen Science Ties with £16M Boost
New Electric Field Signals: Potential for Devices Found
QUT Awarded $9.87 Million In ARC Discovery Grants
Gov Funds 100 Discovery Projects, Boosts Prosthetics Tech
Frequent Cleaning Slashes Airport Norovirus by 83%
Mxene Coating Poised to Replace Thick Insulation
Indoor Pool Closure
Civil Service Today: Portraits of Profession
Researchers Unveil Lightning Shield Tech for Composites
Fluoridation Faces Opposition, Threatens 70-Year Practice
Smart Windows: Next Big Thing in Renewable Heating
Mucus And Snot - More Important Than You Think