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Quantum Error Correction Efficiency Boosted by New System
Axel Springer, Microsoft Deepen AI, Advertising, Azure Alliance
Quantum Fiber Optics Boost Brain Processing, Shield Against Decay
$18.4M Awarded to Univ. of Sydney for Quantum Centre
$4.6 Million To Support Youth Mental Health Research
Albanese Govt Funds $18.4M Centre to Boost Quantum Industry
Complex Maths May Thwart Quantum Hackers: Few Comprehend
UNC Charlotte Prof Unveils Unexpected Evolution in Yeast Study
Flocking Birds, Spinning Particles Reveal Disorder to Order
Shadow Health Secretary Lauds Life Sciences' Healthcare Potential
Eureka Unveils Frequency-Domain Entanglement in Quantum Frontier
New Ransomware Threat: Beware Where You Upload Files
Quantum Technologies Aid in Designing Sustainable Future
Built-in Bionic Computing
Few-Molecule Reservoir Computing Achieves High Precision Blood Glucose Prediction
Microsoft's Cloud Strength Boosts Q3 Results
Cross-Scale Approach Visualizes Thermal Barrier Stress
Research Reveals AI-Humanity Balance in Health Care
UNESCO Report: Social Media Impacts Girls' Well-being
DOE Grants Fund Collaborative Clean Energy Projects
Research Reveals Method to Create Diamonds at Normal Pressure
ITU Chief Doreen Bogdan-Martin Speaks on Girls in ICT Day
MIT Teams Secure NSF Grants for Sustainable Materials
Scientific Resources Link Food Components to Better Health
MIT's Brave Behind Bars Program Proven Effective: Study
Q&A: TikTok's Black Box Algorithm Influences User Behavior
UofT, Hospitals Pilot Program to Amplify Medical Innovations
NSF Awards 3 Rising Researchers with Alan T. Waterman Honor
LLNL Boosts Multi-Physics Simulations with El Capitan Tech
Research Probes Electrodes' Role in Energy Storage Batteries
MIT Experts Adjust Qubit Entanglement Structure
New Light-Based Technique Controls Valley Polarization
Creating Diamonds at Normal Pressure
Super Grids Show Promise Amidst Hurricane-Induced Solar Eclipse
Jordi Alberch, Anna Alberni & Petia Radeva Win 2024 Narcís Monturiol Medal
Jordi Alberch, Anna Alberni & Petia Radeva Win 2024 Narcís Monturiol Medal
Quantum Computing to Build, Analyze Pangenomes: EMBL
Computer Security: Pay Per Vulnerability
Holographic Displays Pave Way for Immersive Future
AI Boosts Touchless Gaming Control, UCL Study Shows
Manchester Scientists Develop World-First Analytical Electron Microscope
Mapping Brain Pathways Of Visual Memorability
ORNLs Proffen and Mentee Honored by National Womens IT Center
Toronto University Entrepreneur Uses AI, Quantum Chemistry for Water Purification
GREENSKY's Novel Model Boosts UAV Efficiency in Future Networks
AV Challenge Lets Engineers Test Decision-Making Algorithms
Brain's Beta Rhythms Bursts Drive Cognitive Control
New Framework Cuts Bias in Classification Results