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Australia Unites to Enforce Crypto-Asset Reporting Rules
Scientists Warn Against Relying on Machines to Clean Ocean Plastic
Research Links Youth CT Scans to Elevated Cancer Risk
Greenland Glacier Retreat Rate Doubles in Two Decades
Dombrovskis Speaks at ECOFIN Press Conference
DTU's new diversity report has been published
Warwick Announces 2023 Shortlist for Women in Translation Prize
DTU Sees Rise in Flowering Trees, Dead Wood, Wild Grass
DTU's New Square Promotes Green Community Breaks
DTC to Supply MANET Solutions to Korean Forces, Partners with Huneed
Time Machine Reveals Century-Long Biodiversity Loss
Reducing Nitrate in Drinking Water Could Save Lives, Millions
High Urinary Albumin Tied to Heart Disease in Type 2 Diabetes
Defence Department Tests Tactical Vehicles
Ethiopian Clerks Face Higher AI Job Replacement Risk Than Californians
Canadian Armed Forces Marks Decade in Counter-Explosive Efforts
UK Observes 10th Global Day Against Journalist Crime Impunity
2M European Homes May Leave Electrical Grid by 2050
Stillbirth Risk Rises After Covid Infection
UK Marks One-Year Anniversary of Pretoria Peace Deal
Understanding Resistance to Wind Turbines, Solar Cells Vital
VP Harris Unveils U.S. AI Safety Initiatives
Musical Performances Reshape Perception of Mental Illness
AI Identifies Potential Proteins for Gonorrhea Vaccine
Kings Researcher: SDGs Validate International Bodies Existence
Converting sugar into climate-friendly plastic
All Languages Contain Words for This and That: Study
Global approach to anti-doping
Evolution Turns Bat Into Specialist Hunter
York U to Probe Stone Age Settlements Below Baltic, North Seas
Two Prestigious ERC Synergy Grants
Protein analyses provide new insight into cancer cells
Long COVID More Common in Severely Ill Patients
Wine Australia, NZ Winegrowers Debut Joint Venture in Nordics
Interacting polarons
AI Use in Healthcare May Ignite Unseen Discrimination
Experts Convene on Container Ship Fire Safety Measures
Wokewashing Damages CEO's Sociopolitical Message Credibility
Bold Quest 23: US Concludes Interoperability Testing in Denmark
Bold Quest 23 Denmark: Interoperability Testing Ends Successfully
DTU makes changes to Executive Board
Research Reveals Hidden European Trees: Billion Tons of Unseen Biomass
Consumers Value Pig Welfare Over Climate Concerns: Study
3D scans will uncover secrets of gold treasure
Individuals Act on Climate Change as Governments Strategize
UN Study: Bitcoin's Hidden Environmental Hazards Beyond Carbon
Nottingham, Denmark Tech Univ. Partner for Eco-Friendly Mining
Global News Culture Shift to Boost Healthy Democracies: MoU