AHISA Appoints Graham Catt CEO of ISA

Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia

The Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia (AHISA) congratulates Mr Graham Catt on his appointment as CEO of Independent Schools Australia (ISA).

"AHISA has enjoyed a long friendship with ISA, including working collaboratively on joint events such as the National Education Forum," said AHISA CEO Dr Chris Duncan. "We look forward to continuing this relationship under Mr Catt's leadership of ISA."

Dr Duncan acknowledged the contribution of Ms Carolyn Grantskalns as interim ISA CEO and of Ms Margery Evans as former CEO of ISA, and thanked them for their able leadership in the independent sector.

"ISA is the peak national body representing independent schools in Australia and plays a pivotal role in liaison between the independent sector and the Australian Government," said Dr Duncan. "Mr Catt is an experienced advocate to governments, and we welcome him to the role of ISA CEO in what is a challenging but exciting time for schools as they continue to transform to keep pace with technological and social change."

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