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Live news updates and headlines from Australia and the world as developments unfolding. Stay up to date with all of the 24/7 live coverage from first-hand sources. Australia's premier source of non-aligned, independent, real-time, OSINT news.
Fundamentals of Water as Solvent Could Lead to Greener Cellulose-Based Products
Türk: Human Rights Key to Peace, Tells Security Council
Upstate Opposition to Solar Farms Grows Over Lack of Local Benefits
Czech Foreign Minister Joins NASA for Artemis Accords Signing
Experts Warn of Devastating Fungal Infections Threatening Global Food Security
Ultra-Fast Space Winds Shape Galaxy Evolution
UBC Study Shows Text Message Prenatal Education Works
UK and Australian Officials Visit British Home of Next-Gen Nuclear Subs
Clinician using power research to alleviate chronic pain
Catalyst converts CO2 into eco-friendly byproduct
Scientists Discover Link Between Photosynthesis and Fifth State of Matter
UT/Texas Politics Project Poll: Parties Sharply Divided Over Social Issues; Republicans Support Both Trump and DeSantis
Patients and Physicians Prepare for UnitedHealthcare Endoscopy Delays and Denials 4 May
Latin America, USAID pledge to broaden labor pathway access
UK Statement on WTO's OECS Trade Policy Review
Archaeological breakthrough: New method extracts human DNA
Gut Microbes Modify Body's Response to Cancer Immunotherapy
Surging Testosterone Found in Male Woolly Mammoths with New Tusk-Analysis Techniques
Star Eats Planet, Brightens Dramatically
SHELTER project showcases 4-year results at final conference
Traces from past
Montenegro Faces Universal Periodic Review on Human Rights
Surging Testosterone in Male Woolly Mammoths Revealed by New Tusk-Analysis Techniques
UN Experts Alarmed by Imminent Executions Linked to NEOM Project in Saudi Arabia
UN Experts Urge Accountability for Death of Khader Adnan and Mass Arbitrary Detention of Palestinians by Israel
Scientists Decode Brain Signals to Predict Mouse Vision
Astronomers witness star eating planet in possible preview of Earth's fate
Depression linked to hospitalization for physical conditions
In first, astronomers spot star swallowing planet
Route to Safer Pain Meds Discovered
Scientists Capture Missing Step in Final Act of Photosynthesis
Research Finds Waning of Covid Vaccine-Induced Immunity
XFELs Capture Final Milliseconds of Oxygen Formation
Gut Microbes May Enhance Cancer Immunotherapy
Regional Reception Centre: Seizure of Prohibited and Unauthorized Items
Scientists' New Discovery on How Champagne Bubbles Rise
Czech Republic Joins Artemis Accords
World's Salt Marshes Face Submersion by 2100
Multiple Objects Detected and Classified Without Images
Purifying water with just few atoms
African Children Face Malnutrition Risk, Rich Kids Become Obese
Therapeutic Management of COVID-19-Related Venous Thromboembolism and Long-Term Outcomes
Women in Farming: Isolation, Finances, Workload Affect Anxiety Levels
Welsh-language and Māori musicians take centre stage
Launch of Cyber Innovation Hub
Eastern Broccoli Project Partnership Yields Promising Variety
Man Buys Food and Cigarettes with Stolen Card in Melbourne and St Kilda
President Biden's Statement on World Press Freedom Day 2023