A Territory Labor Government partnership with the community housing sector to transform the delivery of social and affordable housing across the NT progresses this week, with more public housing properties earmarked for transfer.
An Expression of Interest will be released on Friday to transfer an additional 269 homes to the Community Housing Provider (CHP) sector to manage, bringing the total number to more than 1100.
These homes will be signed over under long-term agreements, with the successful CHP taking responsibility for asset and tenancy management. CHPs registered with the National Regulatory System for Community Housing will be eligible to submit proposals for the EOI.
The third major transfer of existing properties to the community housing sector will take place through a single transfer package in Greater Darwin, with a $4.3 million capital grant to support the CHP to undertake necessary repairs and improve the amenity of homes.
In April, 251 properties were transferred to Mission Australia Housing NT, with 250 homes to be managed by Venture Housing from 1 July. The transfer of a further 231 homes is currently under negotiation.
As part of the Territory Labor Government's Community Housing Growth Strategy 2022-32, up to 40 per cent of urban and regional public housing will be transferred to the community housing sector over five years, with more than 800 homes already transferred or in progress.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Urban Housing Ngaree Ah Kit:
"The Territory Labor Government knows that safe, secure housing is the cornerstone of health, wellbeing and functional living, so it is important to get it right.
"We understand that increasing CHP-managed social housing improves outcomes for tenants and communities; and helps to deliver a more financially sustainable social housing system.
"CHPs are specialists in tenancy and asset management with a proven track record of delivering positive place-based services."
Quotes attributable to Community Housing Industry Association NT Carol Atkinson:
"CHIA NT supports the transfer of properties to the Community Housing sector and is working alongside Government for the successful transfer to improve tenant services.
"CHIA NT, on behalf of the community housing sector, is looking forward to transforming the delivery of social housing and being able to leverage the scale they can potentially achieve through more transfers and by being able to create better experiences and outcomes for social housing tenants and the broader community.
"This EOI brings us to the halfway point of the social housing transfers though the NT Government's Community Housing Growth Strategy. CHIA NT welcomes this milestone and is keen to see all the planned transfers being finalised."