Council Invites Tenders For Wellington Street Works

The upgrade of Wellington Street in Wallan is a step closer with Mitchell Shire Council releasing a tender for the project.

Works on the vital thoroughfare connecting Watson Street to Duke Street will improve pedestrian safety and connections in Wallan.

The project includes:

  • A footpath on the west side of the road
  • A shared-user path on the east side
  • Street lighting
  • Underground drainage
  • On-street parking
  • Asphalt road seal
  • Raised pedestrian crossing points
  • Street trees.

Intersection treatments for road safety will also be introduced at the intersections of Duke Street and Watson Street with Wellington Street.

Mitchell Shire Mayor Councillor Louise Bannister said the project is made possible thanks to $5.5 million from the Federal Government that will be shared with another project at Darraweit Road.

"These works will bring significant improvements to our local infrastructure, from better pedestrian paths to advanced road safety measures. It's about making Wallan a safer, more connected, and more vibrant place to live," she said.

"We are immensely grateful for the support from the Federal Government and Member for McEwen, Rob Mitchell, who have made this crucial project possible. Their contribution is a testament to the importance of local infrastructure projects in building stronger communities."

Works are scheduled to begin early 2025. The community will receive further notification of the construction timeframe once the successful contractor is appointed.

Council encourages qualified contractors to review the tender documentation available on the Mitchell Shire Council Tender Portal and submit their proposals in accordance with the specified guidelines and deadlines. Tenders close Thursday 6 June.

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