EPA Victoria is maintaining its oversight of the Veolia Recycling and Recovery facility in Taylors Rd, Dandenong South issuing three improvement notices.
The notices relate to the ongoing management of issues around leachate, dust and landfill gas.
"This is a very important landfill site in Victoria, and that importance must be met with ongoing improvements to deliver the best pollution controls," EPA South Metropolitan Melbourne Regional Manager Viranga Abeywickrema said.
"We've directed Veolia that it must manage leachate in a way that minimises the risk of harm to human health and the environment; assess, review and take remedial action related to the generation, management and disposal of landfill gas and; mitigate and prevent dust from being discharged beyond the site boundaries from vehicle movement, material storage and other operations."
Mr Abeywickrema said EPA would maintain contact with Veolia to ensure progress was being made but would use its regulatory powers as necessary.
"The important thing is that impacts offsite be minimised and the community and environment protected."