Free Journalling Workshops To Help With Wellbeing

Gunnedah Shire Council

Part of resilience is good mental health, and Gunnedah Shire Council will offer the community another fun and effective way to support mental health through two Words for Wellbeing - Journalling workshops.

On Wednesday, 19 February and Thursday, 20, March, facilitator Lucy Gallagher, who is a farmer and a writer, and has experience as a counsellor/registered nurse in rural mental health, will lead two FREE interactive and evidence-based six-hour workshops at the Gunnedah CWA rooms. The workshops will empower participants to develop a journalling habit that helps to strengthen skills in gratitude, empathy and forgiveness, and promote overall mental wellbeing.

"I want to share these skills with others, giving them accessible tools to support their mental health," Lucy says.

"While not a replacement for professional mental health services, journaling is a simple and effective practice that anyone can incorporate into their daily lives.

"Mental health services are often difficult to access in rural and remote areas. These workshops aim to fill a gap by offering tools and strategies that are practical, affordable, and accessible to individuals in the bush."

Lucy says the workshops emphasise the importance of social connection, offering a supportive space for participants to share experiences and connect with others in their community.

"The goal is for participants to leave the workshops feeling 'lighter' and better equipped to handle life's challenges," she says.

"There is extensive evidence showing that intentional journaling can be a highly effective tool to support mental health. These workshops are based on my personal experience and the proven benefits of reflective writing to improve wellbeing."

The sessions, to be held from 9am - 3pm, include a journal, pen and workbook. Tea and coffee is provided, and participants are asked to bring along a plate to share for morning tea.

Tickets are available through

This is a free community event supported by the Australian Government and the NSW Government, through the NSW Reconstruction Authority.

Caption: Lucy Gallagher.

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