Grants Support Tasmanian Recreational Fishing

Eric Abetz, Minister for Business, Industry and Resources

Fishing is a way of life for many Tasmanians which is why the 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future ensures it will stay that way.

The Tasmanian Liberal Government has extended the Better Fishing Grants with a further $1 million to support delivery of improved facilities for recreational sea fishers and local communities.

Minister for Business, Industry and Resources, Eric Abetz, announced applications are now open for Round 4, providing funding opportunities for facilities that improve marine fishing in Tasmania.

"Under the current $2 million Investing in Improved Facilities for Recreational Fishers and Local Communities commitment, the Tasmanian Government has been providing grants to make recreational sea fishing more accessible to all Tasmanians.

"Round 4 provides opportunities for grants for large projects (up to $300,000) and small projects (up to $30,000) available.

"As well as providing improved physical access, the grants will continue to enhance fishing experiences throughout the State for all Tasmanians."

Applications are now open for Round 4 of the Better Fishing Grants until 31 July 2024. Another funding round will open on 1 August until 31 October 2024.

More than $500,000 has already been granted across the first three grant rounds of funding.

The successful applicants and the respective projects that have received funding from the third round of grants were the Tasmanian Association for Recreational Fishing (TARFish) for their Weather Station Network Buoys and the Musselroe Bay Community Inc. for a new Fishing Pontoon.

The funding to TARfish's remote Weather Station Network will allow fishers to find information on real time local sea conditions and improve access and enhance fishing experiences in our community.

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