Labor Fails to Deliver on 80,000 New Homes Promise

Liberal Party Victoria

Yesterday, Premier Jacinta Allan and the State Labor Government abandoned their promise to deliver 80,000 new homes every year, over the next 10 years.

In a Parliamentary Committee hearing yesterday, with Premier Allan by his side, the Secretary of the Department of Premier and Cabinet said that the annual promise was "not the commitment".

This is despite the Department's own website stating the promise to "deliver 80,000 new homes each year", at the same time as the Secretary crab walked away from the promise.

In State Parliament, the Premier has said that the Government will "build 80,000 new homes a year, each and every year, for the next 10 years".

The Premier needs to explain why she and her Labor Government have broken their promise to Victorians.

Shadow Minister for Planning, James Newbury, said "Jacinta Allan needs to explain why she and her Labor Government have broken their promise to deliver new homes to Victorians.

"This broken promise follows the Premier breaking her word to hold the Commonwealth Games in Victoria.

"The Premier is showing a pattern of behaviour in not keeping her promises and it is incumbent upon Jacinta Allan to explain to Victorians why she has walked away from the commitment."

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