New Appointments To VICSES And CFA Boards

VIC Premier

The Victorian Government has announced new appointments to the Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) and Country Fire Authority (CFA) boards, following the resignation of Mr Greg Wilson as Chairperson of both boards.

Ms Jasmine Doak has been appointed to the role of Director and Chairperson to the VICSES Board for three years, while Ms Casey Nunn ASM OAM has been appointed Director and Deputy Chairperson until 30 September 2024 while recruitment is undertaken for the Deputy Chairperson role.

Ms Doak brings a wealth of knowledge to the role, having been a Director and Deputy Chairperson of VICSES since 2023. Ms Doak has previously been President of the Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board and also brings senior private sector experience.

Ms Nunn also brings significant experience to the role, having been a director of the VICSES Board since 2020.

Further, Joanne Plummer has been appointed Chairperson to the CFA for three years, while Mr Anthony Peake OAM will act as Deputy Chairperson until 31 September 2024 while recruitment is undertaken for the Deputy Chairperson role.

Ms Plummer has been the Deputy Chairperson of the CFA since December 2023 and is an experienced board member with almost 15 years of professional governance experience.

Mr Peake has also been a member of the CFA board since June 2022, and currently holds several non-executive director and board membership roles.

The Government acknowledges the significant service and leadership of outgoing Chairperson Mr Greg Wilson, who was appointed to the role of Chairperson of the VICSES Board in February 2020, and Chairperson to the CFA in July 2020.

Mr Wilson oversaw the organisations while they managed significant natural disasters including the October 2022 floods and the 2023/2024 summer floods, storms and fires. Mr Wilson previously worked in the justice, emergency management and forest fire management sectors throughout his lengthy public service career.

As stated by Minister for Emergency Services Jaclyn Symes

"Congratulations to all our new appointees - their expertise and leadership qualities will enhance the critical work of our dedicated VICSES and CFA volunteers."

"Greg Wilson has displayed incredible leadership during his time as Chairperson to both the VICSES and CFA boards. I thank him for his dedication and support and wish him all the best in his future endeavours."

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