Nominations Sent To Senate 24 May

The White House

Bethany Pickett Shah, of Texas, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the State Justice Institute for a term expiring September 17, 2025, vice John B. Nalbandian, resigned.

Rebeccah L. Heinrichs, of Ohio, to be a Member of the United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy for a term expiring July 1, 2024, vice Georgette Mosbacher, term expired.

Rebeccah L. Heinrichs, of Ohio, to be a Member of the United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy for a term expiring July 1, 2027. (Reappointment)

Lauren McGarity McFerran, of the District of Columbia, to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board for the term of five years expiring December 16, 2029. (Reappointment)

Joshua L. Ditelberg, of Illinois, to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board for the term of five years expiring December 16, 2027, vice John F. Ring, term expired.

William Isaac White, of West Virginia, to be a Member of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board for a term expiring October 18, 2028, vice Jessie Hill Roberson, term expired.

Stephanie E. Segal, of the District of Columbia, to be United States Alternate Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund for a term of two years, vice Sunil Sabharwal, resigned.


Nelson W. Cunningham, of the District of Columbia, to be a Deputy United States Trade Representative (Western Hemisphere, Europe, the Middle East, Labor, and Environment), with the rank of Ambassador, vice Jayme Ray White, which was sent to the Senate on January 11, 2024.

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