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NASA Glenn Research Center's Chris Hartenstine explains the differences in tires designed for Moon and Mars terrains and testing performed at NASA Glenn.
Credit: NASA/Jan Wittry
NASA Glenn Research Center's Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM) and Office of Communications staff traveled to the Ohio State Fair in Columbus, Ohio, this summer.
OSTEM participated in a ribbon-cutting ceremony to open the fair with Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine. Both teams hosted tables to share information about the key roles NASA Glenn plays in developing technologies for future missions to the lunar surface through hands-on activities. A focus on NASA Glenn's Simulated Lunar Operations Lab (SLOPE) included sample rover wheels, shape memory alloys, and a virtual 360 tour of the SLOPE facility.

NASA Glenn Research Center's Jan Wittry talks with fair visitors as they watch a virtual tour of NASA Glenn's Simulated Lunar Operations Laboratory.
Credit: NASA/Chris Hartenstine
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