A review of the first 100 days of the newly elected Council highlights successes in relation to water security funding, a focus to elevate Cairns to the pre-eminent destination for women's sport in the county, and the launch of the Our Cairns Survey with a bold goal of 10,000 responses.
The current Council was sworn in on 11 April, with 20 July marking 100 days in office.
Activities undertaken in the first 100 days by Councillors and Council staff that are not typically part of the day-to-day services delivered to residents, included:
- Additional State Government funding of $87.5 million secured for Cairns Water Security Stage 1. This takes the State's commitment to $195 million, with Council now seeking a matched commitment from the Federal Government.
- Council unveiled its vision to position the Cairns region as the Pre-eminent Destination for Women's Sport in Australia.
- Local Recovery Plan covering human and social, economic, environmental and infrastructure activities was endorsed by the Local Recovery Committee, Local Disaster Management Group and Council in June.
- Tabling of the 2024/25 Budget, unanimously endorsed on 19 June, and the updating of the Long-Term Financial Plan.
- Launch of the Transparency Portal (23 July) and a commitment to the quarterly reporting of data previously reported annually from October 2024.
- TOBI (Technology One Business Improvement) project has been reviewed and showed that it is being delivered consistent with the expectations outlined to Councillors in July 2022. The project involves implementation of a new enterprise software system to improve efficiencies across the organisation.
- Review of Cairns Water Security Stage 1 project has been completed by an independent external party with no concerns raised. Governance arrangements for the project have also been approved by Council and include an independent industry expert joining the Project Steering Committee and six-monthly health checks being undertaken by an independent third party.
- Reconciliation Action Plan is complete and is undergoing review by Reconciliation Australia, before it can be considered by Council.
- Council's State Election priorities outlined and endorsed by Council (24 July).
- Record donations ($52,450) at the launch of the Mayor's Christmas Chairty. This year's target is $110,000 to allow of the distribution of 1000 hampers to local families and seniors during the festive period.
- Mayoral meetings with senior levels of Government on water security funding, including a visit to Canberra to advocate for matched funding from the Federal Government.
Residents are reminded that the Our Cairns Survey is now open. Have your say and do the survey online: Our Cairns 2024 | Cairns Regional Council.
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