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USC Develops Early-Stage Ovarian Cancer Blood Test
National Facility Simulates Extreme Winds to Engineer Sturdier Buildings
CU Med Researchers Discover Potential Fat-Burning Target
2024 Freedom Award Nominations Now Accepting Entries
Extreme GOP Shutdown Risks $100M Daily Loss for US SMEs
GOP Shutdown Threatens 2,000 Disaster Recovery Projects
Microsoft, Mercy Join Forces to Revolutionize Patient Care with AI
Show, don't tell: Attracting diverse workforce
GOP Shutdown May Delay Travel, Unpay TSA and ATC Staff
Republican Shutdown May Leave Troops Unpaid, Risk National Security
House GOP Chaos Risks Shutdown, Threatens Nutrition Aid for 7M
Workforce Roundtable with Black Leaders: White House Recap
Adult Obesity Rates Stay High, Call for Prevention Rises
Titanate Nanofibers Transform Poultry Waste Management
GOP's CR Threatens Low-Income Home Energy Aid Amid Cold Snap
Supercomputer Simulation Tackles Drug-Resistant Bacteria Issue
NSF, Partners Commit $45M to Semiconductor Future
Berkeley Lab Initiates Research for National Biopreparedness
House GOP's Funding Bills Could Harm US Working Families
Nominations Sent to Senate 6 September
Biden Reveals Key Nominees for Administration
US Hot Spots for Cigarette, Firearm Deaths Identified
UTA Expands Military Entrepreneur Support to Nevada
DOE Awards $2.5M Grant for Freshwater Ecosystem Study
SLU Ethicists Guide Parents, Physicians on Children's Medical Decisions
Native Communities Threatened by Electric Car Revolution
Novel Ovarian Cancer Diagnostic May Revolutionize Precision Oncology
New Bio-Markers Predict Chemotherapy Resistance in Ovarian Cancer
Advanced Cancer: Bowel Obstruction Treatment Guidance from New Trial
Gene Editing Enhances Rice Quality, Reduces Heat Stress
White House Holds Virtual Session with Black County Leaders
Biden-Harris Admin Pledges $152M for Western Water Storage Expansion
Interior Dept. Allocates $300M to Boost Local Outdoor Recreation
Consortium Explores Energy-Efficient Electronics and Photonics
UC prepares to host statewide cybersecurity exercise
Biden-Harris Admin Allocates $660M to Plug Orphaned Oil and Gas Wells
US Wraps Up Chemical Weapons Stockpile Disposal
Pain Risk Varies Significantly Across States
WVU Faculty, Students Aid Cosmic Breakthrough: Evidence of Low-Frequency Gravitational Waves
Novel MDXX Analogues Show Promise in Treating Autism Spectrum Disorder
Bipartisan Leaders Applaud Biden's $40B High-Speed Internet Announcement
NASA Awards Millions in STEM Research Grants
UTIA Plays Key Role in Launch of Southern Ag Today
Type 1 Diabetics Struggle to Control Blood Sugar During Exercise
182nd Airlift Wing Leads C-130 Ops at NATO's Air Defender 2023
Local Remains at Crenshaw Site Ancestors of Caddo, Study Shows
Local Newspaper Coverage Boosts Information of Public Companies
Kalispel Tribe teams up with WSU for 5,000-Year-Old Dig