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AI in fight against global inequality
AI Chameleon Speeds Up Satellite Image Classification
Chameleon AI Speeds Up Satellite Image Classification
Bees' Microbiota Nourishment Explored
Embracing Messiness Boosts Solid-State Qubits' Efficiency
Bridging light and electrons
Detecting Defects In Real-Time with Laser Additive Manufacturing
Three Tactics to Amplify Switzerland's Green Electricity
Testing automated crack-detection methods for concrete
Oral peptides: new era in drug development
Methods for bypassing and treating spinal cord injury
Spiden Secures $15M, Hires Key Execs, Achieves Glucose Monitoring Breakthrough
Supercharging CAR-T Cells for Cancer Treatment
New Era in Drug Development: Rise of Oral Peptides
Our top 10 news articles from 2023
Bert Meijer Supervises Over 100 PhDs: Power Unveiled
New landscape atlas helps us envision Paris in future
Permafrost: ticking time bomb beneath our feet
From high-speed electric cars to ETH in space
Human Brains Show More Parallel Traffic Than Animal Brains
Micro-ring resonator with big potential
Scientists measure distance to stars by their music
UBS Partnership to Boost Innovation, Entrepreneurship
Boosting Body with Extra Robotic Arm Using Cognitive Strategies
Strategies to Enhance Cognitive Control of Extra Robotic Arm
Boosting Body with Wearable Robotic Arm: Cognitive Strategies
Ukraine has lost 18% of its scientists due to war
AI Unveils New Discoveries in Neurodegenerative Disease Study
War Triggers 18% Scientist Exodus in Ukraine
Twenty years of outer space at EPFL
Micro-Ring Resonator Boasts Huge Potential
Algorithm Shatters Limits for Deep Physical Neural Networks
Appointment of EPFL professors 8 December
Algorithm Overcomes Deep Physical Neural Network Limitations
Grande Dixence Region's Potential Look in 200 Years
TUM participates in global, open-source AI Alliance
Enhanced AI tracks neurons in moving animals
Defect Detection in Laser Additive Manufacturing via Sound
Advanced AI Maps Neurons in Mobile Animals
SP80 boat ready to take off
Joint initiative for trustworthy AI
Superconducting Nanowires Detect Single Protein Ions
Color-based sensor to emulate skin's sensitivity
Zurich's Road Revamp to Boost E-Bike Usage Over Cars
Experts Revive Old Techniques for Sustainable Concrete
Breakthrough Research Achieved on Fatal Disease
EPFL's new Large Language Model for Medical Knowledge
How bacterial cords spread tuberculosis