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ESafety Invites Input on Draft Rules to Combat Online Abuse
ESafety Invites Input on Draft Standards to Combat Online Abuse
World Toilet Day Showcases Innovations for Safe Sanitation
State Department Launches First Women Entrepreneurs Academy at Indo-Pacific Tech Summit
Unmasking LockBit: Cybercrime Gang Hacking Global Giants
Art and agriculture come together at 'Chat and Create'
Biden Addresses APEC CEO Summit
Australia Govt, Microsoft Partner on AI Project
'Cambridge University Declares Hallucinate 2023 Word of Year
Elon Musks Grok: New Sassy AI, But Whos Its Target?
AI revolution and future of work
Report: Scammers Repeatedly Targeting Seniors
Firms Offered Funded Aid for Digital Tech Adoption in £1.8M Project
Unleash Creativity with BenQ's Newly Launched ideaCam
IAEA Director General Updates on Ukraine Situation 14 November
Rice to host International Workshop on AI-Powered Space
Computer Security: Data Centre Nightmares
UK Gov Strikes New Capability Agreement with Microsoft
Cities Present Models for Using Data for Social Impact
Data Shortage for AI Training Looms by 2026, Warn Researchers
Do you trust AI to write news? It already is - and not without issues
Reflecting on decade of SuperUROP at MIT
Driving Victoria's Export Success And Growing Local Jobs
Solver's Novel Patent Speeds Up Time-to-Value in CPM Sector
AI Image Generators Prone to Creating NSFW Content
AI Impact on UK Consumer Competition Explored
Flood Evacuation Modelling Report update
UK Joins Global Allies to Boost Development Through AI
Biden's Executive Order Ensures Safe, Secure AI: Reactions
Siemens, Microsoft Collaborate to Boost AI Adoption Across Industries
QEDDI Opens to External Drug Discoveries with New Funding
Apple unveils new MacBook Pro featuring M3 chips
Apple supercharges 24-inch iMac with new M3 chip
Google Slides Extension Boosts Accessibility for Blind Users
Microsoft Reveals Early Private Exchange Offer Results
Transparency Gone, Cost of Living Relief MIA: Liberal Party
Journey from CERN to entrepreneurship
Top UK AI Firms Unveil Safety Policies
Research: Small Businesses Struggle to Utilize Worker-Beneficial Tech
Exploring Undersea Data Storage: Future of Cloud?
Microsoft, Submittable Join Forces for Cloud-Based Social Impact
Rockwell, Microsoft Boost Partnership for AI-Enhanced Productivity
Computer Security: in numbers
Sustainability celebrated with new business awards
US-Australia Forge Innovation Alliance: Joint Leaders' Statement
Biden, Australian PM Albanese Hold Joint Press Conference
US-Australia Leaders Forge Innovation Alliance
White House Unveils Innovation and Partnership Plan with Australia